Day 1 - November 13, 2019
9:00 am
The Information Lab
This stream covers the opportunities arising from digitalisation and the power of data and informatics in the Lab of the Future
2:30 pm
Enabling scientists to share data across the experimental process, in and out of the lab
2:50 pm
Streamline your laboratory workflows using automation
3:10 pm
Embedding a data driven approach to drug discovery
3:30 pm
Are ontologies relevant in a Machine Learning world?
3:50 pm
Driving measurable outcomes for labs via digitalisation and standards
4:10 pm
Afternoon refreshment break & return to plenary sessions
4:40 pm
The Live Lab – interactive delegate session
Day 2 - November 14, 2019
9:00 am
The Information Lab
This stream covers the opportunities arising from digitalisation and the power of data and informatics in the Lab of the Future
1:50 pm
Novel methods in computation and automation to improve drug discovery
2:10 pm
The Four Pillars of Digital Transformation in R&D
2:30 pm
Transforming your data into interconnected information
2:50 pm
Afternoon Tea, Poster Viewing, 1:1 Meetings
3:20 pm
Combining informatics, virtual research and syndicates to drive innovation in the lab
3:40 pm
The place of analytical instrumental chemistry in the big picture of data
4:00 pm
Getting organized to prepare the digital optimization
4:20 pm
The Live Lab – Outcomes and action plans